Mueller investigation whether Trump pressured Sessions at Mar-a-Lago to ‘unrecuse’ himself from Russian probe

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is probing potential obstruction of justice including a March 2017 meeting at Mar-a-Lago during which President Trump allegedly asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to reverse his decision to recuse himself from the investigation of Russia’s interference with the presidential election and possible collusion with members of the Trump campaign. But Trump…

Malwarebytes Buys Binisoft for Firewall Management

Vendor plans to integrate Binisoft’s Windows Firewall Control into the Malwarebytes endpoint protection platform. Malwarebytes is acquiring Binisoft, a privately held Romanian company, to strengthen its endpoint protection platform. Binisoft is behind Windows Firewall Control, designed to improve firewall management, and USB Flash Drives Control, which regulates the use of USB drives. Windows Firewall Control…

The Cost of Cybercrime

Most people paying attention would expect that the cost of cybercrime has gone up in recent years. But a new report has put a number on it: Worldwide cybercrime costs an estimated $600 billion USD a year. That’s up from $500 billion USD in 2014, the last time security vendor McAfee and think tank the Center for…

Highly Sensitive Encrypted Email at Risk of Exposure

A newfound flaw in email clients that use PGP and S/MIME to encrypt messages can be exploited to expose the plain text of the missives, according to a paper published Monday. By injecting malicious snippets of text into encrypted messages, attackers can use the flaw to make the email client exfiltrate decrypted copies of the emails, explained…

Building Cybersecurity Awareness: The need for evidence-based framing strategies

Highlights • Cybersecurity is a public concern receiving insufficient awareness. • Cybersecurity is complex, intangible and hard to grasp. • Paradoxes are identified complicating policy-making. • Evidence-based framing can result in societal and political awareness. • Framing strategies for creating societal and political awareness are presented. Cybersecurity is a global phenomenon representing a complex socio-technical…